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The global impact of any African Society is major to the world that we know today. Whether it is the food we eat, the clothes we wear the house we live in or the activities we do, Africa had a global impact on the world hundreds of years ago and still today. Understanding the hand that Africans and Africa had on shaping of the world we know today, would eradicate all need for this idea of race and discrimination.  Though interesting and eye opening we must not focus on what the entirety of Africa permeated unto the world but simply the Kongo.




The Caribbean- Religion is seen as making a huge impact on the Haitian culture, the Kongo already containing a fusion of beliefs neither of which was truly traditional or truly Christian. This new religion was mixed with more northern Africans and produced a Vodun/Catholic religion that is still present in much of the Caribbean and even in some southern traditions in America.


In Americas- Through the article read in class pertaining to the Stono Rebellion, much of Americas military tactics were taken from the Kongolese. The slave traders in Africa knew the Kongolese as being highly trained and advanced in their knowledge of military tactics and battle strategy. Because of this knowledge Kongolese men were taken from their tribes and villages and sent to America to do the dirty work of building and protecting a new society. The knowledge these Kongolese men had of fighting was obviously seen a valuable to Europeans, so like much of what Europeans acquired, came from Africans.

